Tentang Liberty Society
Jasa Upcycling
PelajariMerubah barang tidak terpakai / sampah dari lingkungan anda menjadi produk inovatif yang baru.
PerusahaanBerikan Hampers Corporate yang Eco Friendly / Ramah Lingkungan kepada relasi anda.
CSR Event Organizer
KontakPartisipasi sekarang dalam gerakan sosial yang berdampak baik bagi lingkungan dan kemanusiaan.
Green Experience
Learn MoreEngage your internal stakeholders with impactful activities with purpose for the people and planet.
Featured On
Case Studies
CIMB Niaga - Upcycling for a Better Future
We manufactured notebooks made of CIMB’s paper waste for their event’s merchandise. We also held an upcycling workshop as a way to engage and educate the wider public on how to turn everyday waste into everyday products.
- 690kg paper waste recycled into 250 notebook
- 33 upcycling workshop participants
- 3 local community and business impacted
Jakarta, Indonesia
Resort World Cruise - Circularity in Cruise Industry
We held an upcycling workshop training for Resort World Cruise (SG) employees. Further more, they held the upcycling workshop for passengers. We also engaged the passengers with on-board exhibition, showcased curated eco-friendly products by Indonesian local artisans.
- 5 employees trained
- 3 local artisans impacted
Singapore, Singapore
AXA - #AmanMelangkah Week for Good
We organized AXA’s #AmanMelangkah campaign in the month of June. We shared an aligned mission and vision on creating an even more sustainable community, through a week-long campaign and CSR activation.
- 148 workshop participants
- 9 women-led community and business impacted
- 20 healthy kits
Jakarta, Indonesia
UNIQLO - Tackling Fashion Waste Problem
UNIQLO Indonesia joined hands with us to convert leftover denim offcuts into new upcycled accessories, as the act of promoting sustainable fashion. We succeeded in creating upcycled cardholders and pouches from the offcuts with the involvement of our makers.
- 500 upcycled pouch and card holder
Jakarta, Indonesia
Singapore Post - Upcycling for Meaningful Goods
We collaborated with Singapore Post to upcycle old post man raincoat jackets into 4 different products, such as cardholder/coin case, Ikea-type bag, tote bag, slingbag/waist bag. The end products was for event's merchandises and to sell back at their locations.
- 4 upcycled products
Singapore, singapore