Makeup Training Beyond Beauty with SASC #BeautyWithACause

Makeup Training Beyond Beauty with SASC #BeautyWithACause

The Taliban's ban on beauty salons in Afghanistan, leading to closures and job losses for approximately 60,000 women, has created a distressing situation for many Afghan women. This abrupt shutdown has left many women in despair, affecting their livelihoods and economic independence. 

To counter this hardship, with Liberty Society’s help, SASC has taken proactive measures to empower Afghan women affected by violence and marginalized circumstances, by providing skill-enhancement training programs and fostering a secure and supportive community. By offering upskilling training and supporting a pathway for employment, this initiative aims to restore hope and dignity to these women, demonstrating the power of education and support in times of crisis.

On Thursday, 2 November 2023, SASC trained 30 women led by a professional makeup artist. This contributes to increasing their competence in the makeup industry. Since June 2023, SASC has distributed 100 makeup kits in total to the women, in a bid to equip them with skills, hope, and a pathway to employment.

This program complements the SASC's mission in terms of teaching them to be more skilled, while also inspiring a sense of confidence and respect for themselves. Liberty Society is very grateful for the collaboration, a tremendous initiative put forward by SASC.

Are you interested in implementing your mission and creating an impact for women affected by violence? With us, you can explore other ways. Contact us!

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