Our Partnership for Carbon Removal through Reforestation

Our Partnership for Carbon Removal through Reforestation

We're thrilled to announce our engagement in carbon removal for our products! 

We're extending our impact to the environment through nature-based carbon removal via reforestation. Partnering with Bumiterra enables us to restore 1 hectare of degraded forest in Rumbih Village, West Kalimantan (see more).

The forests in Borneo are known as the lungs of our Earth, providing a habitat for wildlife, clean air, water, and essential resources for human thriving. By choosing reforestation, we aim to remove our products' carbon emissions and contribute to Indonesia's commitment to reducing 140 million tonnes of CO2 by 2030. Reforestation not only prevents CO2 emissions but also benefits local communities, wildlife, and biodiversity.

Reforestation has a multiplier effect on the local community, wildlife, and biodiversity. With 488 trees planted and Bumiterra's commitment to restore the forest, 42 tonnes of CO2 emissions were avoided from slash and burn practices. Bumiterra also partners with local communities (empowering 9 individuals), creating jobs and livelihoods for them, while enhancing soil quality and ecosystem health.

This initiative educates customers about carbon removal and encourages environmental consciousness. Reviewing our product catalog reveals an average of approximately 54.51% carbon savings compared to other conventional products. Every purchase supports our reforestation efforts.

As we progress, we're excited about the possibilities and the collective impact we can make. Sustainability isn't just a goal; it's a responsibility, and we're committed to leading the way towards a greener future.

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