Sustainability in Action: Employee Engagement for CIMB’s The Cooler Earth Summit

Sustainability in Action: Employee Engagement for CIMB’s The Cooler Earth Summit

Mixed paper products and plastic account for 70% of the total waste produced in office buildings such as banks. CIMB Niaga, supported by Liberty Society, wants to educate the wider public on how to turn everyday waste into everyday products, aligning with the sustainability value through the annual summit “The Cooler Earth”. 

As one of the agenda this year, the experiential learning showcased how to create something of greater quality or value out of waste, aligning with the theme “Embracing Nature and Sustainable Innovations”.

With our partner Rekosistem, Liberty Society conducted a waste separation training. This training aimed to show how to separate the waste properly. The goal is to increase their likelihood of doing waste separation at their own home.

The training was followed by an upcycling workshop showcasing how to transform organic waste such as coffee grounds, fruit peels, and used cooking oil into natural soap. This promotes the sustainable innovation initiatives that can be implemented at home to contribute to reducing food waste.

During the experiential learning, 33 participants gained new insights about ways to implement sustainability on upcycling products. From the workshop 2,55 kg organic waste has been upcycled and the waste collected will be repurposed. It shows the impact that was made to preserve the environment and community.

As the event merchandise to thank the participant, we produced notebooks made of recycled papers from CIMB’s waste.

Have you started your green workshop awareness for your corporations? Let’s discuss it with Liberty Society!

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