Building a Home

Building a Home

Our goal is to restore hope and dignity to women through skills building, employment and a loving community.

"Educate a man, you will change an individual. Educate a woman and you will change a nation"

An educated woman is better able to educate her children who, in turn, will be more likely to receive school education themselves. An educated, empowered women too will raise a healthier, stronger, and financially more independent families.

In reality, there are women who are unable to care for their family nor themselves due to their circumstances. That's exactly what we aim to change through the house we're building with each purchase.


At this home, we envision it will be a house women are able to cry and laugh, to create and to dream, to feel safe and heard and loved.

Without any source of income and little to do, high stressors causes violence and many reasons to lose hope. To enable these mothers to take the role of a caretaker for her family, this home will equip them with resilience and a loving community where more than 15 women can come with their brokenness to find healing and purpose through the creativity and skills they are able to utilize as they stitch each fabric with love.


There is hope.

There is love.

In this home we are building.

Build with us our House of freedom

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