5 CSR Activation Ideas for Brands in 2023

5 CSR Activation Ideas for Brands in 2023

For companies, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is no longer a choice but a necessary commitment. Customers, employees, and investors today are more keen to engage with companies that are taking actions to address social, environmental, and economic challenges. 

With CSR implementation being an important aspect in business strategy, it’s important that companies are aware of what is working to bring internal success and meaningful impacts to the external community they serve. 

Here are 5 CSR activation ideas you could implement in 2023 to shape a better future for our world.

Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability has become a rising trend in the corporate world. Many companies have already started investing in sustainable efforts for their CSR initiatives in 2022 as consumers show favour for businesses that support these values. 

From using eco-friendly materials, ethical operational practices, green product innovation and campaigns that support environmental causes like tree planting, the sustainability trend is here to stay and will continue to be the center focus of many CSR activations.

Employee Activation

CSR activations can start from inside your company. A way companies can build team morale, increase work satisfaction and contribute to society is by providing opportunities for employees to directly take part in increasing CSR activations. Nowadays, employees want to work for a company that is socially responsible and aligns with the values they believe in as individuals. 

Allowing employees to take part in community service, such as tutoring training classes or replanting trees, as part of your CSR strategy will give huge benefits not only to the community served, but also internally. 

Transparent Impact Report

Consumers and stakeholders want to know what impacts are you making and improvements you’ll make on areas lacking. In the next year, it’s imperative that corporations can transparently share their impact using key metrics to measure how impactful their products and services are to the community they serve. 

The role that corporations do for the community and planet will be seen as a long lasting contribution to the society through comprehensive, transparent, and tangible reports available for public consumption. 

Inclusivity in Workplace 

Equality and diversity in the workplace is taking the lead as more companies are providing internal training to build and maintain trust, commitment, and a safe work environment for all.

Educating you team shows your companies’s commitment to also create impact from within. A company that values diversity & inclusivity in a workplace can attract a vast talent pool of fresh Gen Z applicants - who are increasingly becoming a large part of the employment pool.

SDGs As The New Standard 

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) was created to encourage people to protect the planet and ensure a better future for all. According to the UN, businesses have until 2030 to make a real impact which means you have an implied responsibility to ensure real movement.

The SDGs has been used by many as a  benchmark for creating an impactful and responsive framework. Many CSR activations are align with the SDG’s companies support - both in internal and external communications.


Collaboration is key for CSR Activations

Collaborating for CSR can improve a company’s image and increase value by creating solutions that better serve communities. The overall benefits of CSR collaboration can drive growth and become a force for good in business.

Liberty Society works with companies as their CSR partner by offering a greener & more impactful product procurement and circular economy initiatives. We’ve worked with companies like Teh Botol Sosro, UNIQLO, Deloitte, and Blibli to turn corporate waste into sustainable upcycled products and manage campaign activations to support the product launch. To help make reporting easier, we provide impact reports so you can share the impacts you made with your stakeholders.  

See our latest collaboration with Blibli

Learn about our upcycling program

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