That Every Child Will Get an Education

That Every Child Will Get an Education

Here is a shocking truth,

For the cost of a Carls JR burger of 15 dollars, you can put one of our seamstress's children to school for a month (transportation, books, stationery).

Make it 50 dollars to support their monthly lunch stipend as well.
In Liberty Society, with 4 shirts order that our ladies make, you are able to help our makers put their child to school.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Education expands a child's imagination, hope, and a sense of fulfillment in life. Though they go to refugee learning centers ( Hope Learning Center, Cisarua Refugee Learning Center, Same Skies) that cost 2 dollars monthly, the reason our seamstress are not able to put their child to school is they have more than one children. Averaging 4 children, a parent can only choose to put more food on the table rather than for school stationaries.

Fashion can be for freedom. Freedom from slavery of ineducation and poverty.

Here's to a world where we give freedom for all.

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