Meet Havilla
Havilla specializes in curating a range of premium loose-leaf teas from all around the globe. They aim to serve their clientele with experiences of savoring a variety of tea locally grown and served with care.
As a tea business, Havilla also specializes in tea-related services such as workshops, training, recipe development, and consultations for corporate gifting.

Their Story
Since 2011, Neysa Valeria’s passion for learning and making tea are pivotal components in doing her own tea business. Considering Indonesia is one of the biggest tea-producing countries in the world, it was surprising that there is a lack of knowledge and appreciation of their local teas. This drives Neysa to start Havilla Gourmet Tea in 2014, addressing the scarcity and inaccessibility to good quality teas for all. Not long after, fellow tea enthusiast Ajeng Respati joined Neysa in spreading their passions, positivity, and love to anyone who drinks Havilla’s tea creations.
Their Vision & Mission
Havilla Tea Gourmet strives to share goodness and happiness through a cup of tea and make more people, especially the younger generations, fall in love with the enticing world of tea. By curating a variety of teas that best suit all sorts of taste palates and providing services to spread their knowledge about tea, Havilla sets out to promote local Indonesian tea brands to a larger market.
The Hands Behind Havilla
Havilla’s tea creations are lovingly grown and harvested by tea pickers and farmers. The Havilla team further packages the loose-leaf tea to be distributed and provides clients with various services to learn and spread the appreciation for savory tea from all around the world.

Their Impact
For the last few years, Havilla has facilitated a tea farmer co-op in Pekalongan, Central Java. They offer to be the off-taker who assists, educates, guides production and facilitates access to the market. Through Havilla’s guidance, the tea farmer has been selling better quality teas at better prices and living a better life.
Havilla has initiated a project with KPAS (Komunitas Peduli Anak Spesial), a community of teenagers and young adults with disabilities, providing workshops and training to help equip them with skills and knowledge for their future.