Meet Yellow Flower Collection
Yellow Flower Collection (YFC) is a community-led business that produces authentic creations crafted by resilient women in East Java. They are established under Compassion First, a non-profit organization that strives to provide long-term and hope-filled solutions for survivors of sex trafficking. Through this organization, YFC serves as an opportunity to empower the vulnerable and break cycles of trafficking and exploitation in communities.
They specialize in producing fashionable Indonesian batik creations such as skirts, wallets, bags, and journals. The most recent additions includes testing the market for a cookie baking business to sell food products like Kastengel cookies and Nastar during the holiday seasons.

Their Story
In 2012, Compassion First - the non-profit supporting YFC - expanded to serve a large population of women and children living in a 17-acre cemetery in East Java, Indonesia. These are women who are survivors of abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking, disability, widowhood, and other life tragedies.
To empower the community through providing opportunities for growth, Yellow Flower Collection was launched in 2016 and motivated by the hopes and dreams of women and teenagers in the community. They aspired to get jobs, use their talents to create goods, and have passions for learning. In this way, YFC has provided them with the opportunities to gain income that drives them towards new life trajectories.
Their Vision & Mission
The Yellow Flower Collection seeks to empower women and teens to explore their potential by creating beautiful and functional goods. They want to craft a new future for the makers and their families through economic empowerment, skills development, and growth in confidence.
The Hands Behind Yellow Flower
They utilize the talent of women and teenagers in a local community. More specifically, they include the youth and adults around a local cemetery community in East Java who are underestimated by society but have a passion to learn and many talents to share.

Their Impact
Compassion First’s Cemetary Outreach program operates two facilities that serve as community centers to hold parenting classes, tutoring, recreational activities, and business ventures.
Yellow Flower Collection works with communities of women and teenagers that are in need of stable employment, providing them with income that can improve their overall quality of life. They also use Batik fabrics to preserve the Indonesian culture.